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Thursday Night

Premiere: November 2006

Written by: Michael Lyons

Directed by: Michael Lyons


In the midst of frustration while writing a final paper, Patrick (Michael Lyons) forgot to delete some choice words about his professor' know.  Thursday Night follows the uptight English-major Patrick and his whacky journalist friend Yvette (Kerrie Childers) as they embark on a wild chase through the streets of New Jersey.  The goal:  find Patrick's professor and replace the paper with a proper one before its questionable contents are read.

It just so happens that Patrick and Yvette embark on their journey on the wildest night of the college calendar, Thursday night... and night when anything can happen.  This means run-ins with a gun toting 7-Eleven robber, drunken drag queens, donut eating cops and, worst of all, a troupe of man hating sorority lesbians.

Can Patrick and Yvette use the magic of a Thursday night to their advantage?  Can they retrieve the paper and save Patrick's college career?  Can Yvette finally find the big story she has been looking for to make it on the front page?  Will the lure of sex, drugs and alcohol defeat our heroes? 

Starring: Kerrie Childers, Michael Lyons, Brian Hall, Matt Perosi, Thomas B. McDonald, Angelo M. Cirelli, George Blair IV, Nicole Spiezio, Randi Stern, Michelle Petrasek, Katie Kennedy, Brieann Sherlock, Sara Keegan, and Tom Roskop.

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